Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Break Part I

During Sean's spring break we decided it would be a good idea to stay close to home and not spend much money on vacation since we will be moving in a few months. We decided to take an overnight trip to San Antonio. It worked out just fine, I didn't have to cook and Sean got to spend quality time with Taylor and I. We went to one of the museums next to the zoo. We decided to go to this particular one because they had a new dinosaur exhibit. Word on the street says the museum broke records on attendance this week. Just because of the dinosaurs! The dinosaurs moved and growled! I thought I was living in the Mesozoic era. Taylor wasn't scared either. There were all sorts of great activities for the children too.

The following picture is a must have since we will be leaving Texas soon. Last year people were stopping on the side of the road to take pictures laying in these flowers. We later realized it's a tradition some people do around here. The state flower is a blue bonnet and they grow wild during spring time along the highway. So of course when we saw purple flowers along the road, we had to do it too. However, after stopping, my green thumb told me they were something other than Blue Bonnets.

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