I still haven't found my camera cord so I went to Costco to have a CD made. There were 345 photos! I had forgotten about many of the activities we had done since May! Don't worry, I wont bore you with all 345.
United's spring scrimmage at the SAC. For the first time, Sean was in the stands with us. Just a few days earlier he was declared the Reynolds Head Football Coach in Oregon! Woo Hoo!
This little guy wont sit down for anything! Trying to steal the show.
March of Dimes in May with Baby Eddie.
Safety first! These two loved cars!
One last wedding celebration before we leave.
They do crazy things in Laredo. The kids loved it!
The Bride and Groom. Sean coached with him at United.
Last family photo with our first home.
Moving is so much work! Especially when it's 100+ outside.
Sean and Jean getting ready to hit the road.