If only I put as much effort into this as I do Facebook!
We have had visitors here this past week. Sean's Aunt and Uncle came to visit and Taylor was astatic. Uncle Stevie taught him how to say, "TOUCHDOWN" Now he runs around the house with his football in tow yelling, "Momma Touchdown!" I love it! He's so proud of himself. I love the age he's at right now. He loves to please you! If it only lasted through the teenage years!
We haven't been up to much lately. I booked a plane ticket to Oregon Nov. 3-17. I'm excited to see family, friends, and fall weather! I am praying that the plane ride will be smooth. Football is going well for Sean. They lost their 1st district game against a San Antonio team. They have another big game tomorrow night. They are 3rd in the league so they have a spot in the playoffs as of right now. Let's hope it stays that way.
Here's some frightening news: I found a rattle snake in the garage yesterday! It was terrible. I heard it "rattle" when I opened the garage door. Taylor and I were headed out to go for our morning walk and I looked over by the garage door and found it stuck on a sticky trap that we laid to catch scorpions! I ran down the street where contractors were building and asked one of the men if he would kill it for me. He grabbed his buddy, a bucket and a stick and headed down the street. They scooped him right in to the bucket and took him away. I kept telling to the guys, "Kill it! Kill it!" He told me he will but he didn't want to do it in front of Taylor and I. What a gentlemen...right?...I just hope he didn't bring him home for dinner!
On the lighter note Taylor had his 15 month checkup yesterday! I'm happy to report that there will be no shots needed until his 2nd Birthday. If you remember right he had 6 on his 1st Birthday. I guess that took care of the entire year. When it comes to stats he is 22.5 lbs. and 31 inches. He's finally catching up! He's in the 50th percentile for both!
Here's some photo's of the past few weeks:
Taylor's 1st PB and Cousin Emmy's homemade Strawberry Jam!

I went in to spy on him during an afternoon nap and he was cuddling with Pooh!

Driving the Car at Baby Eddie's 1st Birthday/Going Away party! Baby Eddie and family moved to New Mexico for Border Patrol.

Finally giving Mommy love! He always shakes his head no and smiles:(