Let me say we have had quite the week. Taylor has been walking more and little did I know that means more bumps, bruises, and chipped teeth.
On Sunday, Sean was taking care of Taylor while I went to the grocery store. I had 4 missed calls from Sean when I walked out to the car. Frantically I called him back and he said that Taylor had fallen face first on to the tile floor. That fall resulted into only a large bruised cheek and an upset father.
On Tuesday, Josecito was over playing and Taylor decided to show off. He was on his stomach rolling around on top of a ball. Taylor's body rolled right off and he hit his mouth on the tile. He was crying but I comforted him and then got him started on another activity. He was fine. Well...later that evening when I was feeding him dinner he opened wide and to my surprise that fall resulted in a chipped front tooth! Doctor Molly (my sister) said if he isn't in pain then to not worry about it. Thanks Mol easier said then done. I am going to worry about it until he looses it at age 8 or 9! Ugh!
On Friday, Taylor was taking his new shoes for a spin. He was walking laps around the coffee table, through the kitchen and attempting to go up stairs. I was cheering him on until he started going faster and laughing at the same time and he ran right in to the coffee table. This resulted in another bruised cheek.

He decided to crawl and rest on the couch for the remainder of the afternoon.

On the lighter note, Taylor has been having a fantastic time playing with other children. We have been going to the mall and McDonald's with other mother's who have children Taylor's age. None of them actually play "together" but they all have a great time.