The month of November was gone in the blink of an eye. Taylor and I went to Oregon for the first couple weeks. Then it seemed like Thanksgiving was already upon us. I'm sad to report that Sean's team never made it to the playoffs. Thy lost to Alexander (thier rival). Sean was bummed...but I'm happy to have him home now! He tells me every year that they hope to be playing Thanksgiving weekend so don't make any plans. He knows I don't work well without planning! So we decided to stay in Laredo for Thanksgiving. We went over to my friend, Haley's house for a huge afternoon dinner. She has a little boy, Gavin, who's Taylor's age. We all had a good time and ate LOTS of food. I didn't take many pictures though. I'm not sure why, perhaps I was eating the whole time? There were lots of other children there so Taylor didn't do much eating. He was more excited about playing with the other children. Thanks again Haley for having us!
Taylor's plate? (Dad likes to document everything.)
He'd make grandma proud! He got on the horse all by himself!

Up to no good.

He liked the Turkey best!